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National Studies - MindCette, Entrepreneurial Mindset Testing, Consulting & Assessment

Nations wishing to have more successful entrepreneurial ecosystems must also commit to providing transformative environments that allow ecosystems to flourish.

This starts by obtaining a nationally representative sample of the population; assessing the mindsets of entrepreneurs vs. non-entrepreneurs across both men and women; and then using the data to make informed policy decisions that encourage entrepreneurship.

At MindCette, we believe that men and women entrepreneurs are different; and we also believe every nation is different. That’s why we ask panelists to identify as male or female at the beginning of the MCET survey; and the items in our survey identify a set of dimensions of the entrepreneurial mindset unique to that nation.

In the landscape of entrepreneurial mindset testing companies, MindCette is the only company that looks at male and female entrepreneurs separately and together. We have completed 2 national studies and would be delighted to help your nation undertake its own. See a summary of our packages and compare products here.

Contact us for a complimentary private consultation today.

Read the National Studies Base Presentation